Expert Speakers Bureau

Looking for a speaker? Add an expert perspective to your conference or event!

NAGC leaders and staff are available to NAGC State Affiliates and other conference planners to speak on various topics in exchange for a contribution to the NAGC Annual Fund. They are experts in the field of gifted education, advocacy, and association management!

Here is how the ESB works:

  • Contact NAGC as early as possible to secure an ESB speaker for your conference via email or call 202-785-4268. Note, we cannot guarantee the availability of our speakers, so the earlier you contact us, the better.

  • Choose a speaker from this list. For additional names and specific topics, email NAGC.

  • NAGC State Affiliates do not pay an honorarium to the speaker, but agrees to make a donation of $1,000 to the NAGC Annual Fund. The donation for non-NAGC State Affiliates is $2,500. This agreement includes a presentation or other activity led by the expert speaker of no more than 90 minutes. For workshops or other activities that exceed 90 minutes, please contact us.

  • All travel expenses and additional sessions are negotiated with and paid directly to the speaker.

  • NAGC staff are also part of the ESB and are available to speak on the following topics: Affiliate membership and recruitment, non-profit organizational strategy, and advocacy and communications strategy.